
Price Benchmarking & Strategic Sourcing Services

Benchmarking is the key to optimal cost recovery when entering into rate alignment negotiations with your carriers. It goes a step beyond the cost efficiencies generated through traditional TEM inventory, audit and invoice processing functions to the ability to identify and capitalize on pricing gaps that develop between the telecom rates companies are contracted for and current competitive market rates. Benchmarking is the key to realizing substantial, ongoing savings from your total voice, data and wireless spend.

Oncept specializes in price benchmarking for global telecom products and services. We have developed the most extensive database of worldwide rates and pricing models for retail and wholesale telecom offerings and offer our clients a comprehensive view of their telecom spend benchmarked by service, vendor and geographic region. We indicate where a client is overspending and by how much and then provide a roadmap to prioritize and execute a rate alignment and cost recovery strategy.

Benchmarking is at the foundation of Oncept consulting services and can be leveraged not only for rate alignment negotiations, but also for sourcing and re-sourcing efforts, such as RFPs, network planning cost validation, modeling, and business case development.

Oncept acts as a neutral party when providing advice, best practices and needs analysis to help our clients manage the rate alignment and negotiation process with carriers. For more information about Oncept’s benchmarking methodology, please contact us.

Oncept provides both standard and custom benchmarking and carrier selection data for the following products and services:

  • MPLS/IP VPN (Managed / Dedicated)
  • SD-WAN
  • Private Line
  • ATM
  • Frame Relay
  • Internet Traffic (Fixed Port / Burstable)
  • SIP Trunking
  • Co-location
  • Local Loops
  • Network Connection Charges
  • Broadband Wireless
  • Modem Pool & Broadband Access
  • Internet Dial, WiFi & Remote VPN
  • Voice Services (Local / PSTN / IDD)
  • Voice VPNs
  • Audio / Video Conferencing
  • Calling cards and mobile services
  • International Mobile services
  • Switched Data (Video)